Hi, I was wondering if wikihouse would be willing to export/link the data from the block database airtable via airtable’s API into something like a read only Google sheets and share the link to that so that we as a community can have that data to import and update in real time in our own Google sheets workbooks for analysis or updating things that we are building with the blocks data?
Or perhaps whether that data could be shared via sheets instead? I’m sure there’s a good reason for using airtable instead however.
I hope I’m not overlooking something but without paying for a service like coupler or using some python script, I can’t see a way to obtain that data in real-time from a shared airtable link.
Hi @Alex1 It’s something we can look into (possibly using Zapier or similar). You can currently download a CSV from the Skylark airtable and import that into Google sheets should you need something immediately. We also have a Skylark order list template (mainly for manufacturers) in Google Sheets which is based on an export from airtable (but not live-linked).
I hope that is at least useful in the meantime? I’m interested to hear more about the project workflow you’re looking create and where we might be able to help.
Thanks for your reply Clayton.
We have imported a CSV but it’s getting that data to live update without having to keep doing manual copy paste which would be fantastic for us via an importrange formula from a live Google sheet. I’m a very part time team member of Digital Woodoo alongside Steve, James and Nicola and we are creating a costing calculator for new projects with said live blocks data being fed into it.
Zapier as you mentioned could be a great way of doing so. Would be very grateful for that.