Any one building wikihouse in Castlemaine Victoria?

Just wondering, anyone cutting wikihouse parts in Castlemaine Victoria right now. Parts worth of 700 sheets hence it would be nice if owner is here and have some more info.



Piyush, we have an CNC arrangement with an AU furniture manufacturer in Australia who has various branches but probably better we o do in Brisbane and ship Ex factory ti Vic. so that we keep some control fro you email us at to discus your order. Graham O

Thanks Graham. I spotted wikihouse style components in Jem’s story on Instagram (likebutterAU) hence I thought I would ask.

Great to see a progress there.

Yes, Ecokit is the owner! (
LikeButter is cutting for Ecokit a house in our new building system!
It is the system that I have designed for Ecokit and is more suitable for the Australian and US market: bigger overspan and window possibilities.
We are sharing part files on Fusion 360 weekly to Jem and our Australian branche will assemble it on location soon.

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In parrallel, here in Spain, we are producing a house in the same building system as well.

It goes on transport next week and we will assemble it in Prague, Czech Republic.
This house is build with a new building system that I have designed for Ecokit and is a test sample for the Univercity of Prague to certify the building system as a CE certified building kit product.


Great work. Jem did mention that files are on fusion 360 as he works on fusion most. How are you finding fusion 360 for production environment. Would be interested to see how that workflow works. I did look into it and realised nesting on fusion is quite costly to digest. Jem has the subscription but are you nesting then prior to handing it over to him?

I did here on their podcast that it was stuck on structural approval for a while and I blindly suspected it must be digital fabricated structure.

Pitty I can not find his Instagram story anymore, guess it was time limited.

Fusion is great! And AutoDesk is all the time developing and improving the features.
The Nesting&Fabrication is indeed costly, but worth its value big time.
We deliver the files to them pre-nested, so we have control over the plywood use efficiency.
But I program my own fabrication files here for Spain myself. It is amazing how much this has developed since I learned CNC programming in 1998. Back then AutoCAD was just a 2D black screen with lines.
Now preparing the templates takes time, to find the best settings for the machine. But after that it is just a few clicks per sheet of plywood.

Yes it was a storey and a very quick spin on his camera showing workshop stuff and I spotted a stack of plywood looked like wikihouse WREN parts.

They are not exactly WREN, actually more in the direction of Blackbird.

The system is called Ecokit 4.0 but is heavily modified from the ground up. Including structural engineering and break testing on the University of Prague. Unfortunately I can not share it for now. But who knows in the future when it is officially launched.

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