First Floor Floorblocks

Getting ever closer to starting to manufacture our tinyhouse with Skylark. Coming across a few obstacles which we are slowing working out.
One of them - the first floor blocks. They have a cut out at the ends on each side - is this for a beam to go in? Or what’s the purpose? Can’t see anything on the wall blocks that would aid in taking anything beam wise

Yes correct - for the blocks to sit on the bearers!

Thanks Lachlan

Do you know if there is any info on the bearers anywhere? Can’t see anything in any of the files or guides

@Gabriele ?

I believe there is space for a 200mm bearer - we used a much smaller one here. The space to the left of the box is where the End Block would go.

The bearer is just standard construction timber that you would use for a house on piles. I think ours was 45x200 and we doubled them up.


That looks great @lachlan

Just to confirm - I am questioning the first floor as in the UK first floor [floor-xxs-1] rather than the ground floor which I think you’re talking about

Ah apologies - first floor is ground floor in New Zealand! That’s likely a spacer for if you need lintels above the openings (windows and doors).

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