Hei from Norway

Hei there,

my name is Richie and I recently moved to Norway. As Norway makes it easy to build Microhouses (30m2 interal floor area) yourself we will do so. - with Wikihouse!
It is just fantastic how far the project has come so far!! Thanks already to all the contributors.

Tradewise I am an Electrical Engineer/Electrician and have some experience with AutoCAD and some with CNC - a lot of experience though with woodworking and construction in general.

At the moment we try to find out what is the best option for the manufacturing process… For now the idea is to get a 20 foot container (2,3x5,8), a little cnc that fits and using half-size sheets (2050x625x18) on SkyLark 250.
Then do all the milling there in the winter and store the ready-cut sheets off-site. Assembly is planned for spring next year.
In another post I am adressing these topics as well, so feel free to answer or comment :wink:

Greetings from Norway,
