Hi team, stoked to join the wikihouse community

Hi team, glad to be here.

Nice to meet you all. My name is Chris, an Archi student / Building Designer from Melbourne, Australia.

Was introduced to the Wikihouse building system a few years ago through one of my subjects at Curtin Uni. My tutor was a fan of Wikihouse and so he set one assignment brief with the requirement to create a house plan utilising the Microhouse chassis.

Have been intrigued by Wikihouse ever since then and now looking to build a SKYLARK 250 garden studio here in Melbourne as a test. Having recently acquired a proper sized CNC I can now get stuck in! New secondary dwelling laws in Victoria have made the planning process a lot easier too.

An opportunity has also recently emerged to help manufacture / CNC Wikihouse frames out of New Clark City in Philippines, the new logistics and manufacturing hub there. The Wikihouse system may be the basis for modular houses in PH and potentially the rest of SE Asia. Hopefully this helps to expand WIkihouse into new geographies where there are significant housing backlogs and where this type of distributed manufacturing and modular house vision can make a big impact.
