Hip & Valley Roofs

Hi everyone,

Ive started to play around with creating hip & valleys roofs. I have succesfully created the blocks and they tie in well with the 600mm modualrity. However my main issue is the strcutrual side of things. Has anyone succesfully built anything this way and or had some caluations carried out to certify it works from a structural point of view?



@Nicholas has made hip & valleys roofs for houses with FabLabCharleston.
But they have their own building system.
If your interested I can design this kind of modifications for you and consult a structural engineer that is familiar with similar plywood systems.

Hi Melhof, This sounds interesting, I might get in touch with you when things progress a little further dwon the road as currently im just developing concepts using wikihouse. Definitly keen to work with a strucutral engineer here in the UK to see how the provide strucutral calculations for the standard blocks and more beposke stuff.

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Let me know if you need any assistance.
The structural engineer is not in UK but in Czech Republic, but he is used to work with foreign standards. And I work together with him on house structures similar to WikiHouse in Czech, Australia and USA.