The community code of conduct

WikiHouse is a collaborative project, bringing together passionate, talented and knowledgable people from all over the world, and from across a spectrum of political viewpoints around a common vision.

Whilst this may sometimes involve disagreements and heated debates, and while we always seek to support free debate and critical thinking, this can only happen in an atmosphere of respect and courtesy, where everyone can enjoy contributing to something that is greater than themselves.

If you are participating in the WikiHouse community we ask that you abide by this code of conduct. If you think anything is missing, please let us know.

We will not tolerate the following

• Abuse including gratuitous name-calling or bad language
• Sexism
• Racism or any kind of racial or ethnic prejudice or hostility
• Religious hate speech
• Homophobia
• Transphobia
• Threatening language
• Personal (’ad hominem’) attacks
• Cyberbullying or harassment
• Sexual harassment or inappropriate / unsolicited sexual comments
• Flooding / bumping multiple old threads with the aim of flooding
• Trolling
• Deliberately misleading behaviour
• Blatant attempts to unfairly discredit or steal credit for the work of others
• Impersonation of someone else

Please do not post the following

• Spam
• Blatant advertising of businesses, products, services or jobs that are not consistent with the spirit of Wikihouse
• References to individual companies or people that might be considered libellous
• Anyone’s personal information (for example contact details, home address etc) unless it is already in the public domain
• Anything that would infringe someone’s right to privacy without their consent
• Anything which may be confidential information
• Anything that infringes someone’s trademark, patent or copyright (within reason, as regards content and links that are already in the public domain).
• Pornographic material
• Sexist material or material that is likely to be considered gratuitously offensive by others

Be responsible

• Please make sure you have read and understood the WikiHouse Terms of Use, in particular concerning Disclaimers of Liability.
• If you are posting work that is highly untested please take every opportunity to highlight this.
• Do not encourage anyone to take risks, or to participate in dangerous or illegal behaviour
• Do not rely on any information shared, or advice given by others in the community as legal or professional advice.
• Take every reasonably opportunity to remind people of their obligation to use WikiHouse information in a safe and legal way, and to satisfy themselves of its fitness for purpose in their project.


If you would like to make a complaint against another member of the community, please contact us. Your complaint will always be heard and handled anonymously and sensitively, and fairly to all parties involved. Our aim is to minimise harm to you and others.


• If we deem you to have failed to abide by this code, we reserve the right to remove you temporarily or permanently from all community activity. We also reserve the right to remove or delete any content at any time if there is even a possibility that it may infringe this code.

• In the event of behaviour or activity that we believe may break the law, we reserve the right to report any relevant information to the appropriate authorities.


• We do not monitor all communications. In most cases we will reply on a complaint being made to us. When a complaint is made we will review, then make a decision about an appropriate course of action. Provided we are reasonably able to do so without exposing our team to unwarranted abuse, or any member of the community to harm, we will always notify the complainant of our decision and the reason behind it.

• We will always try to respond as quickly as we can to any complaints, but please bear in mind that we are a small team with limited time and resources.

• As set out in the WikiHouse Terms of Use, we do not carry any responsibility for the accuracy, truthfulness or fitness for purpose of any piece of advice or information shared within the community.

• We may update this Code of Conduct at any time. At such time those changes will apply with immediate effect, regardless of whether you have read and agreed to the updated version.