I’ve been learning cadquery and while doing so I’ve had some limited success - I’ve been able to recreate the outside facing wall from SKYLARK250_WALL-M. I want to clean up the code a bit and publish it as a jupyter notebook with some comments. The design is fully parametric and can be used to generate different sizes. CadQuery uses OpenCascade kernel and is able to export also other formats.
The generated files can be open in LibreCad and Freecad. Also sharecad seems to be able to open them just fine.
For now I just wanted to gauge the interest in the community for such a tool. My motivation is to be able to create custom blocks easily and/or customize existing blocks (I want to do an extension of an existing brick house so I will need some customizing).
The attached dxf file is not yet split to the same layers as current cutting files. It also does not contain the half-cut data or the labels. It is also not offset inside the 0.25mm. All can be added.
Having the design in a python code, the common git workflow can be used to integrate changes and fixes with PRs on github for example. The code to generate this is somewhere around 150 to 200 lines.
SKYLARK250_WALL-M-face.dxf (83.1 KB)
SKYLARK250_WALL-M-face.step (665.0 KB)