What software do you recommend?


I’ve just discovered your project and I find it very interesting! And I’d like to thank you for creating all the modules.

I apologise if a similar post has already been created but I haven’t found one.

However, I have several questions. I came across a post in the forum indicating that it is better to use Fusion 360 software rather than sketchup. Because Fusion 360 has better nesting before machining on cnc.

However I also came across another post saying that you should use sketchup because fusion 360 is a bit buggy.

Personally I use sketchup at the moment but I’m not against fusion 360.

What do you think is the best software to use from manufacturing to CNC machining?

I was not able to open the detailed design kit in online sketchup https://app.sketchup.com/ with Firefox. I tried with Chromium as well but it complained I am opening large model and didn’t let me open it at all. When it did open, it crashed.

Would it be possible to publish the blocks as step-files? One block per file. I’d like to try working with the blocks in Freecad and cadquery and it seems step is the only filetype that can be imported.

I have been able to import detailed single block d3m files into Onshape. Interestingly, I can export them as STEP which Freecad is able to import. The whole thing on Linux using Firefox.

Fusion 360 does not offer browser-based access with the free personal license and the downloadable software is only for Windows or Mac and I’d rather stay in the free environment of Linux.

Hey I know I’m late, but if you use Blender 3.6 and the addon for sketchup import you can get the designs functioning in Blender.

Continue to be based and use FOSS tools on linux distros. Most Dope.

Yes, Blender is the only remotely usable option. Everything else just breaks once you start approaching something that resembles a whole house. Blender is worth learning for this. I haven’t tried importing from sketchup (in sketchup, those files seem to be really bloated) but I worked directly with the blender design kit, coping and placing the blocks was really fluent.