Hi team, following on from the question I asked earlier in the livestream, I have attached a pdf drawing to explain the question better.
Regarding the bowties, I am asking about the join between the angular vertical lines as they connect to the corner fillet. It does not have a tangential relationship, and I am wondering if that is by design? Hopefully the pdf will make it clearer.
Without a tangential “constraint”, there is a a sharp corner that the opposing part(the cassette) wont be able to match when it’s being cut out on the CNC router, making it less accurate than it could be.
I’m also asking whether there should be a fillet inserted between the main body of the bowtie and 1/2 height circular end tabs, as this also creates a sharp corner that can’t be machined. If it’s added as part of the bowtie design, it would make the cassette cutout exactly the same shape, and be easier to implement tolerances to both parts.
Compare Bowties Drawing.pdf (313.7 KB)