WikiHouse Designs Library

is live!

:eyes: @amscraig


Well done, thanks to the WikiHouse team! :slight_smile:

Really fantastic, what a great step forward, well done to everyone who has worked on these.

I found the Switch House particularly intriguing. Lovely little trick to create a sense of spaciousness. Boy I would love to see a housing development done with these.

With regard to the side walls of terraced housing, how would the sequencing work? How would you fit the bowties to the external side of the wall when you’re building up against another house?

A roof garden version of the Switch house would great. I could imagine a Peter Barber scheme in this pattern:

These designs look great. Thanks to the WH team for putting them together. It looks like some of the designs use new blocks in the 150 series – are those going to be added to the block library?

With regard to the side walls of terraced housing, how would the sequencing work? How would you fit the bowties to the external side of the wall when you’re building up against another house?

I would like to know that as well.
All it says on the Switch House tab is:

On the side walls, you’ll need appropriate fire protection between the houses, so make sure you leave enough of a gap. This gap can be capped off on all sides.

It would be brilliant if we got some more info in respect to step-by-step building of the designs.

Awesome resources! I’m curious if anyone has taken the wiki files to imperial measurements?

Hey @Bravewave, there has been some discussion on this topic before but not sure it has gotten anywhere. I took a pass at reworking one block and a lot of questions came up. I think @melhof has the right idea that someone comfortable in Fusion360 could knock it out programmatically rather than a block at a time.

A few things I’d like to see in the Designs library:

  1. Tiny house (single-storey)
  2. Tiny house (two-storey)
  3. Tiny house, with pre-designed additions to expand it over time
  4. Information on how to sequence the construction of party walls of the Switch house.

Hi, Thanks for that response and sorry for my slow one! Maybe we’ll just need to work in metric for a while! Only difficulty would be windows and doors, though the Ubuild guys seemed to have mastered that by just fabricating their own the same as the blocks. Cheers.

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